NEWS 003

Ilha Grande: Brazil’s Untouched Paradise

A treasure trove of biodiversity and a beacon for eco-tourists from around the globe

Ilha Grande BR is more than just a destination; it’s an experience that captures the heart and soul of Brazil’s natural splendor.

Whether you’re a nature lover, an avid hiker, or simply seeking tranquility, Ilha Grande is a paradise that promises an unforgettable escape from the hustle and bustle of modern life.

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NEWS 002a

Flora and Fauna of Ilha Grande

Eco-Tourism and Eco-Activities destination

Ilha Grande is a living museum of Brazil’s endangered Atlantic rainforest, housing a multitude of plant and animal species.

It’s a hotspot for biodiversity, home to at least 110 resident and migratory bird species, including the red-ruffed fruitcrow and the red-browed amazon parrot1. The island also boasts at least 20 species of mammals, such as the capybara and the brown howler monkey.

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NEWS 001

The rich history of Ilha Grande

From a remote discovery by a daring navigator to a place of confinement and detention to a wonderful ecosystem and famous tourist destination

Ilha Grande’s history is as colorful as its vibrant rainforests. The name arose from Tamoios Indians who called it "Ipaum Guaçu", an expression meaning Big Island.

On 1502 the navigator Gonçalo Coelho discovered the Ilha Grande, it was on the 06th day of Janeiro - Day of the Reis.

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NEWS 003

Ilha Grande: Brazil’s Untouched Paradise

A treasure trove of biodiversity and a beacon for eco-tourists from around the globe

Ilha Grande BR is more than just a destination; it’s an experience that captures the heart and soul of Brazil’s natural splendor.

Whether you’re a nature lover, an avid hiker, or simply seeking tranquility, Ilha Grande is a paradise that promises an unforgettable escape from the hustle and bustle of modern life.

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NEWS 001

The rich history of Ilha Grande

From a remote discovery by a daring navigator to a place of confinement and detention to a wonderful ecosystem and famous tourist destination

Ilha Grande’s history is as colorful as its vibrant rainforests. The name arose from Tamoios Indians who called it "Ipaum Guaçu", an expression meaning Big Island.

On 1502 the navigator Gonçalo Coelho discovered the Ilha Grande, it was on the 06th day of Janeiro - Day of the Reis.

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NEWS 002a

Flora and Fauna of Ilha Grande

Eco-Tourism and Eco-Activities destination

Ilha Grande is a living museum of Brazil’s endangered Atlantic rainforest, housing a multitude of plant and animal species.

It’s a hotspot for biodiversity, home to at least 110 resident and migratory bird species, including the red-ruffed fruitcrow and the red-browed amazon parrot1. The island also boasts at least 20 species of mammals, such as the capybara and the brown howler monkey.

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NEWS 003

Ilha Grande: Brazil’s Untouched Paradise

A treasure trove of biodiversity and a beacon for eco-tourists from around the globe

Ilha Grande BR is more than just a destination; it’s an experience that captures the heart and soul of Brazil’s natural splendor.

Whether you’re a nature lover, an avid hiker, or simply seeking tranquility, Ilha Grande is a paradise that promises an unforgettable escape from the hustle and bustle of modern life.

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NEWS 002a

Flora and Fauna of Ilha Grande

Eco-Tourism and Eco-Activities destination

Ilha Grande is a living museum of Brazil’s endangered Atlantic rainforest, housing a multitude of plant and animal species.

It’s a hotspot for biodiversity, home to at least 110 resident and migratory bird species, including the red-ruffed fruitcrow and the red-browed amazon parrot1. The island also boasts at least 20 species of mammals, such as the capybara and the brown howler monkey.

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NEWS 001

The rich history of Ilha Grande

From a remote discovery by a daring navigator to a place of confinement and detention to a wonderful ecosystem and famous tourist destination

Ilha Grande’s history is as colorful as its vibrant rainforests. The name arose from Tamoios Indians who called it "Ipaum Guaçu", an expression meaning Big Island.

On 1502 the navigator Gonçalo Coelho discovered the Ilha Grande, it was on the 06th day of Janeiro - Day of the Reis.

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